Tight junctions: More than just barriers

DRA lecture held by Dr. Susanne Krug, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Tight Junctions are multi-membrane protein complexes that further can be differentiated in bi- and tricellular tight junctions. They are known to regulate paracellular barriers in epi- and endothelia, and based on the composition of the various TJ proteins, permeability properties are selectively determined and functionality of tissues is maintained. Due their crucial role, they are on one hand targets in infections when pathogens try to overcome the body’s barriers, and are involved in inflammatory processes and other diseased states. On the other hand, regulating tight junctions and the resulting permeability changes makes them of interest for paracellular drug delivery.

The talk is aiming to give an introduction into the field of tight junction research and an overview on current developments, connecting basic science and clinical aspects with focus on the intestine.

The lecture is organised on behalf of the graduate programme in pharmaceutical sciences, Drug Research Academy, by Professor Hanne Mørck Nielsen, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

The DRA lecture is free of charge and open for attendance by all interested parties.