Positional distribution of decanoic acid: effect on chylomicron and VLDL TAG structures and postprandial lipemia

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  • Kaisa M Yli-Jokipii
  • Ursula S Schwab
  • Raija L Tahvonen
  • Xuebing Xu
  • Mu, Huiling
  • Heikki P T Kallio
Although medium-chain FA (MCFA) are mainly absorbed via the portal venous system, they are also incorporated into chylomicron TAG; therefore, the positional distribution of MCFA in TAG is likely to affect their metabolic fate. We studied chylomicron and VLDL TAG structures, as well as the magnitude of postprandial lipemia, after two oral fat loads containing decanoic acid (10:0) predominantly at the sn-1(3),2 (MML) or at the sn-1,3 positions (MLM) of TAG in a randomized, double-blind, crossover clinical trial with 10 healthy, normal-weight volunteers. An MS-MS method was used to analyze TAG regioisomers. The position of decanoic acid in chylomicron TAG reflected its position in the TAG ingested, and TAG with none, one, two, or three decanoic acid residues were detected after ingestion of both fats. More (P <0.05) 30:0 and 38:1 TAG (acyl carbons:double bonds) and fewer 46:5, 54:5, and 54:4 TAG were found in chylomicrons after ingestion of MML than after MLM. The VLDL TAG composition did not differ between the fat loads but did change (P <0.05) 2 to 6 h after ingestion of both fats. No statistical differences were seen between the fat loads in areas under the plasma, chylomicron, or VLDL TAG response curves or in FFA concentrations. Thus, the positional distribution of MCFA in TAG affects their metabolic fate, but the magnitude of postprandial lipemia does not seem to be dependent on the positional distribution of MCFA in the ingested fat.
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)373-81
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2004
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 44091095